Anthony Baptista, Civil Matters Business Owner’s Story

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Anthony Baptista served as a celebrity protection detail from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. He has also worked as a national first responder and “in the trenches”, at the Mississippi State Penitentiary System. After a gunshot injury, this current business owner had to deal with a major speed bump.

In 2013, Baptista spent time in the hospital recovering. He was left with a disability, preventing him from returning to his job as a Security Specialist, EMT and Law Enforcement Officer. The idea of a new business came to him when he saw a lightbulb.

He knew that although his previous jobs were rewarding, working with a family would be invaluable.

Baptista says, “I had this crazy idea while lying in the ICU of our local hospital. I was feeling sorry for myself.” “I thought, why not use my skills to start my own investigation and process-serving agency?”

Baptista used his vast knowledge to start a company that delivers legal documents. The main duty of a process server is to deliver legal papers to the individual or party that was named in a lawsuit. It’s dangerous work, but Baptista has developed systems that make document delivery easier.

He says, “I did not have the financial backing or money to launch a business properly.” “But I’m glad that I signed a deal with the country’s largest legal support agency, and we have now completed more than 1,900 successful services.”

The business was started by his wife Wendy and son Noah, who both worked from home. Baptista says, “My son helps me.” I handle the cash flow, payroll and contracts. When I was shot, my son was only 17 years old. He has never left me side. “I’m a proud father.”

Babtista talks about his relationship with his son. Noah is very attentive to my body language and understands it. It’s days like these that I would not be able to walk to finish the job without him. “I guess you could say that having him by my sides gives me the extra energy I need to continue on with the next task.”

Baptista, who was introverted just like his mother, wanted to help build his son’s career. I thought that this job would benefit him in a social sense. How can you deal with someone who doesn’t want documents?

Batista proudly watches his son from the car while papers are being served. “He has improved his communication skills, and the majority of transactions are civil.”

Baptista celebrated its first year of business in 2018. The business made more than $37,000, but the coronavirus outbreak hit and drastically reduced their revenue. “Unfortunately, in 2019, revenue dropped dramatically and fell again in 2020. Since the pandemic started, I’ve lost more than 40k in revenue. “The court systems went from 100 mph down to 10 mph within an instant.

Baptista said, “COVID-19 is a disaster for our business. Not only has the volume been reduced, but safety measures were also needed.” “Normally, we give paperwork to customers. “Normally we hand over paperwork.” Now I must print out documents, put on gloves and a face mask, seal the ziplock bag with the papers for 24 hours, then serve them. Baptista has encountered many people who do not want to open their doors due to the pandemic. To complete the job efficiently, he has had to put his communication skills in high gear.Baptista’s injury has had a negative impact on his health. His son has taken on the responsibility of helping the business survive the economic downturn. There are days when my injuries make standing upright difficult, never mind being able to deliver bad news.

SmartBiz Loans helps small business owners get the funding they need from Paycheck Protect Program (PPP).. These repaid loans are a lifeline to entrepreneurs who have faced economic difficulties. The SmartBiz Loans dashboard streamlined the entire process.

Baptista says, “This is a small loan in comparison to other loans but I’m very grateful for the chance to receive the calculated sum.” This money will help me pay the labor that I need to run my business.

His loan was initially calculated at less than $1,000. The Small Business Administration (SBA) changed the rules for calculating the loan amount based on his gross income. I was surprised to receive an email from SmartBiz that increased the amount by almost five times. As I drove, I had to stop and think ‘You have to be kidding me.’ “Being a sole actor, I was a bit cynical.”

Baptista was eager to finish the PPP on his laptop. “My smartphone was having some trouble loading, but I still wanted to get on it. I was smiling and laughing all the way to home. The direct deposit took place approximately 36 hours after Baptista had signed the closing documents. We cannot thank SmartBiz Loans for the excellent service they provided. You were able to give me hope right from the beginning, you communicated with me on a daily basis, and never left me wondering. The SmartBiz Loans staff wishes Baptista’s family all the best in the future.

Are you interested in a PPP Loan?

The PPP deadline has been extended. The March 31st deadline has been extended to May 31st. The program allows you to use the forgiven funds for approved expenses such as payroll, safety equipment and business expenses. Here’s more information about the PPP: SmartBiz can help you apply to a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

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